Introduction to Art

The Introduction to Art Curriculum is a smaller version of our Arts Attack Program. This program has 8 products, one for each grade K-6 plus a 7-8 combo. Each grade/unit includes a 1-year subscription for 12 of the Arts Attack lessons, and provides the classroom teacher, art specialist or parent volunteer a low cost ($189) introduction to the (more comprehensive) Arts Attack Complete curriculum. To help minimize your planning and preparation, a 30-student optional art media supply kit customized for each grade level is also available.
These courses can be taught by teachers or parents with little or no art or art education background, as well as by those with considerable art education training – achieving exceptional results in both cases.
- 12 Online, hands-on lessons selected from the Complete Arts Attack Curriculum
- Ideal for a single classroom and a great way to try out the curriculum.
- Support materials include lessons presented in an online video format, corresponding lesson plans, student drawing aids and teacher reference material.
- The Great Masters Virtual Museum
- Pre-packaged Classroom Art Supply Kits available
- $199/ 1-year access
Introduction to Art Online Curriculum

The Kindergarten program is an ideal introduction to art for the Kindergarten student. Providing a strong introduction to the art fundamentals (the elements of art and basic techniques), it also places strong emphasis on drawing technique, self-expression, and the great masters. Several of the lessons are based on children’s literature, providing lots of opportunity to connect with the language arts. Lessons such as Butterfly and Cocoon and The Four Seasons offer a simple connection to science, while Patchwork Animals and Old King Cole are based on children’s literature. Artists studied include Pablo Picasso, Alexander Calder, and Vincent van Gogh.
- 12 lessons
- 3.3 hours of instructional video
- Digital art image program with discussion guides
- lesson plans
- Student drawing aids
- Teacher reference materials and more
- 1 year membership access
Introduction to Art Supply Kits
Convenient classroom supply kits customized for the Introduction to Art Program

This kit contains the following supplies in quantities that will supply a 30 student classroom for any grade/unit of Introduction to Art. While many classrooms already have most or all of these supplies, this kit is offered as an option for classrooms that lack them: Scissors, erasers, white glue, crayons, colored markers, newsprint, brushes (watercolor and easel), sponges, paper plates.
No art training required
Arts Attack provides everything students need
to create amazing art
Examples of Arts Attack Student Artwork