Art Connections

The lessons in the Art Connections Series for Grades K-6 are each related to history, literature, science, social studies and/or art history/appreciation. Each grade level has 4 project-oriented lessons, and all of the instructional video and supporting lesson plans and other documents are accessed online.
The lessons are designed as enrichment activities for students with a good background and understanding of art elements, principles and techniques – such as those taught in the Arts Attack curriculum (or equivalent).
- 4 Online, hands-on lessons
- Support materials include lessons presented in an online video format, corresponding lesson plans, student drawing aids and teacher reference material.
- $80/4-year access
Art Connections Curriculum

The Art Connections Online Grade K program has 2 lessons based on literature (Patchwork Animals and The Three Billy Goats Gruff), 1 lesson related to science (Elephants) and 1 lesson concerning art history/appreciation (Alexander Calder).
Being video-based, it can be taught by teachers or parents with little or no art or art education background, as well as by those with considerable art education training – achieving exceptional results in both cases.
No art training required
Arts Attack provides everything students need
to create amazing art
Examples of Arts Attack Student Artwork